Wednesday 18 April 2007

IST World and Web 2.0

I finally managed to embed some web 2.0 functionality into the IST-World project. A user of the portal is now able to take away the computed diagrams and embed them into any other page like this one. It did take some hours of late work anyway : ), but here it is now.

So here are some examples:
(please reload the page if any of the diagrams fails to load)

Competence Diagram of European Projects related to "Machine Learning".

Collaboration Diagram of institutions involved in the PASCAL project.

Collaboration Trends Diagram of institutions involved in KD NET Project.

Competence Trends Diagram of institutions involved in KD NET Project.

Consortia Prediction Diagram of institutions involved in KD NET Project.

My role in the IST-World project includes architecture, development, data integration and in part data analythics research. The great Flash programing was done by Boštjan Pajntar.